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Should we keep the forum running?

Yes its very helpful
Shuter down
Just tried to donate as and far as I can tell, your options are to use an existing Paypal account or use a credit card and you MUST create a new Paypal account to finish.

Based on Paypal's recent insane politics and policies, I will NEVER create a Paypal account.

Please correct me if I am wrong or provide a different way to contribute. As I understand it, Patreon also requires you to set up a permanent account in order to contribute.
If you click on the PayPal emblem, it takes you to a different page where you have the option to pay with a credit card. I'm not real computer savvy but I used it just this morning to pay my ICORE membership. I don't know for sure but I don't THINK I created a PayPal account. If that's the case I will donate to the forum in the same manner. I Love my Caniks and I LOVE this forum and check it every day. I don't post much because there is so much knowledge here that I feel someone else here can address any issues better. I'll try to be better at posting and helping answer questions; and maybe ask a few questions myself. Maybe someone can answer the PayPal question for me?
Well damn. I just got here. I would hate to see it go away. I’m a new shooter as of this year. I’ve got the TP9SF, and it romanced me into buying the TP9 Elite SC. Hopefully I can jump in to some convos and soak up as much info as possible.
Also, it's kina funny but I never, ever saw that Paypal link because I just always got to New Posts. In fact, when I start typing canikfa... in my browser it just autofills the URL for new posts. Might be worth putting the link on more pages as well as the ads/sponsors. I usually only see the three at the top of the page here (CF Gear, W74, Frank the Tank). I didn't even realize that other sponsors were on the main page. Maybe there's a way to rotate them?

Edit: I guess the ads do rotate but it would still be good to have some sort of "support the site" banner on each page. FWIW, I now own 8% of the site :D
Last edited by colonel00 on Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
One other thing I'll mention in regards to engagement with users, for a while now I believe that email notifications haven't worked for things like when someone posts in a thread you subscribe to or notifications for PMs. Maybe it's working now but looking through my emails, the last notification email I have from the forum was 5/18/20. Simple things like that can really help with keeping people engaged and interested in the forum. In a similar manner, being able to subscribe to the Hot Deals forum or something so you are notified whenever anyone posts a new deal. Seems like a simple way to keep the site on people's radar.
Perhaps an e-mail and post for an annual fund drive. I believe castboolits did this. The email could contain a description of both electronic and non-electronic donation methods. Some people might prefer to send in a check. A target and progress could be displayed on the site.
Hell's bells I can't get notified of threads I'm following. I checked the boxes. If others are having the problem it might be why there isn't more traffic. Having me provide my ATT email which I never use might be where the replies are going. I did change my email to my yahoo account. I get nothing. I paid to get perks at the Hi-Point forum years ago. It's changed ownership multiple times. I don't pay over there anymore because I have the perks and am grandfathered in. $10 a year would be fine.
OK, figured it out. Just before the blue oval with "Donate and join", there is a poorly designed (unless you are designing it to confuse people) switch button on the right. You hit that and it changes to just "Donate now" or something and you don't have to create a Paypal account.

I agree that a goal and running total are a great idea (even if the goal is 20% higher than current expenses for misc things/rainy day and such).
When I bought my first Canik, This was the place to go for info. It seems that in the last year it has kind of died. I don't do Facebook, and do frequent the Reddit Canik site because there are new comments and info everyday practically. There is still a lot of interesting things going on in the Canik world and Marketplace. I would love to see this forum continue, maybe it needs an update? Outstanding information here, please continue.
Thank you to everyone who has donated. I haven't tallied it up yet, but rough estimate we're only $250 away from the $600 goal for the year. I'm very grateful that people want to keep this forum alive. Since we are a not for profit forum, being managed by those of us who donate our time, if we exceed the required amount for the year, @Ghostwolf308 and I will discuss using the funds for product giveaways. Thanks again.

Very cool review!

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Best of luck!!