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Focused Discussions for all Canik Firearms. (TP Series, P Series, Shark, Stingray & MKEK)
Hello all,

First time on the forums. I just picked up the Canik TP9SFX and was looking to hit the range this weekend.

It is well documented that the SFx comes oversprung from the factory and needs a few hundred 124g rounds to break it in.

Of course during this ammo mania I am having trouble finding any 124g in my area.

So the question is, I do have some Winchester 115g, what can I do to limit the amount of FTE's this weekend?

Some recommend leaving the pistol with the slide locked back for a few days. Also, just repeatedly racking the slide to cycle the spring.

Give it a good cleaning and make sure it's properly lubed.

You should be able to tell pretty quickly by the empty brass ejection. When my SFx was new (mid-2017), it would barely eject the empties using 115 WWB FMJ. They were dribbling out the side and landing on my shoe. I had one drop out the ejection port and land balanced on my trigger finger. A couple of boxes of NATO 124 later, it eats anything.

If it flings the empties out properly, you can tell it's not over-sprung.

ginger wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:02 pm 90% of everything i have shot out of mine is 115 you will get a few stove pipes but as long as dont mind that you can get some rounds down range.

Good to know, thanks!

gunn wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:05 pm Welcome from the state of Jefferson. Now, the SFx was your first Canik, which model will be the second?

Howdy from Texas! And if this one treats me right i'll be looking to carry the TP9 Elite SC

thrice wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:14 pm

ginger wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:02 pm 90% of everything i have shot out of mine is 115 you will get a few stove pipes but as long as dont mind that you can get some rounds down range.

I have the SC also, it is also a fantastic pistol. Image
Good to know, thanks!

gunn wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:05 pm Welcome from the state of Jefferson. Now, the SFx was your first Canik, which model will be the second?

Howdy from Texas! And if this one treats me right i'll be looking to carry the TP9 Elite SC
Image [/img]
Welcome From Kingwood Tx.

When I got my SFX I ran about 6 boxes of Seller Bellot (nato spec) 115gr through it. Never has a problem.

I did have a lot of problem with Midwest ammo, but it will shoot everything else with a problem.

It will even shoot my lite hand loads with the Blue springfrom Century Arms.

ginger wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:02 pm 90% of everything i have shot out of mine is 115 you will get a few stove pipes but as long as dont mind that you can get some rounds down range.

If you get stove pipes you gotta fix it. Cannot live with it. It should operate as reliably like a Glock. Trigger goes in, bang, and came out the brass every single time. Anything less is unacceptable.

tdo722 wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:46 pm

ginger wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:02 pm 90% of everything i have shot out of mine is 115 you will get a few stove pipes but as long as dont mind that you can get some rounds down range.

If you get stove pipes you gotta fix it. Cannot live with it. It should operate as reliably like a Glock. Trigger goes in, bang, and came out the brass every single time. Anything less is unacceptable.
once the spring broke in i havent had a stove pipe since i put around 200 rounds through it. I mean in the original break in you can shoot 115 you will just get a few until it is broken in.
I took my brand new T9SFX to the range today for the first time, 2 full mags thru with no problems at all. The brass ejected wonderfully over my right shoulder, made my RI 45 seem kinda pathetic. No stoppages of any kind (I applied minimal lubrication on the interior and wiped the residue off), the trigger pull is the best of any gun I've ever owned (the VP70Z as the worst). I wondered about the trigger spring problems, but it ate my white box Winchester 115 grain like it loved it. Im going to put several hundred rounds thru it, its my 'target' pistol now, I have a TP9 Elite SC coming...soon...but I suppose it will be just as trouble free as the SFX.
Congrats on your new SFX! I have had mine for a couple years. I shoot 124 grain plated bullets over 4.2 grains tight group and now 4 grains of Bullseye.
I have never had any issues with my SFX.

When I got my SFX I could hardly believe good the trigger was, how short the recoil was and what a great value the pistol was. I have added a FredomSmith trigger and new return spring with a lot of help from members here.

When I shoot I try to shoot I try to pull the trigger from the reset point.
I got a few stove pipes on my new Canik but the more I shoot it the less it happens. Mines the TP9 Series One. I used some cheap 115 range ammo. Probably fine after a few more boxes.

gunn wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:05 pm Welcome from the state of Jefferson. Now, the SFx was your first Canik, which model will be the second?

I resemble that remark! I have to agree...I picked up a SFx from GrabAGun as I was just too intrigued with it. And then after learning more and more on the TP9 line, traded my G19 Gen4 MOS for a TP9 Elite SC a few weeks ago. Awaiting my custom holster before I carry the SC, but it will be an option along with the P365.

So back to the original question...which TP9 will be your second?
I ran 124g +p ammo through after having lots of FTE/FTF problems initially. Did what most people have already said, cleaned and left the slide locked open.

I have about 1000 rounds through with no issues after the first box or so.

Took it to the range today as a matter of fact, fav pistol ever.

Haven't had any issues with my Elite SC but have not run as many rounds through it.
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