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Discussion for Competition Shooting.
I got a new canik mete SFx. Now I want to start some competition I'm looking at a Winchester sxp I would like to know if anyone has experience with it in competition. The last gun to get will be an ar15 custom build. Thank you in advance sorry if I put this in the wrong thread
Well, I'm shooting my SFx for USPSA, I put a Swampfox Justice on it, shooting Carry Optic class. You might want to see what class might appeal to you and start somewhere like that, or maybe IDPA... depending on what's close to you. Visit the range and talk to the shooters, look at rigs and guns. Some very experienced folks here (I'm not really one of them) that can help you once you find a direction you'd like to pursue. Ask questions...
Last edited by Ben W. on Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm running my tp9fx with holosun 507c for IDPA , I have also run 3 gun and steel. I just picked up the Mete today And I think I'm going to run the Romeo zero on that one. But here's a deal the SFX is amazing in competition.

I'm super excited to run the matter because of the increased grip texture and the mag well flare. But basically dude just buy some magazines. Get a good solid belt and ID PA holster. I just get out and start running out and breaking that weapon in. The things are so damn accurate and you can put follow-up shots on paper so fast. I will run mine against cc, 1911s and six Sigs.

And I can afford any gun I want , But I choose to run these canilk because they just kick ass. They are fast and accurate . I will say the only issue I've had is with 147 g bullets
For a belt I'm looking at the black scorpion heavy duty belt. Im looking for more mags now but almost all of them are out of stock. As for a holster I like the black scorpion pro heavy duty competition. And I want to get a red dot and I'm torn between the sig zero and the holosun 507k. Thank you all for your help
For USPSA, the bigger the red dot the better.

For the 507K, recommend using the circle-dot function. The 2 MOA dot by itself is too small to pick up quickly and shots don't have to be that precise. I also recommend the green. Easier on the eye.

If you go with the SIG Zero, get the 6 MOA.

Just my opinions, YMMV.
Just some food for thought. In most 3 gun matches the red dot on your pistol will put you into open class. That said the Winchester shotgun you mentioned will be a real disadvantage since most open guys are running a shotgun with a magazine. Still doable but slower to reload.
Sorry I should rephrase that for three gun how many shotgun shells do they shoot per stage. And what I meant to say is i think I will compete with the pistol get good at that then finish the rifle shoot some two gun get good at that then move to three gun and not try to rush into it to fast. Be a little more patient buy the best guns that i can so that way I don't have to spend more later. And i put a link to me competing in the competition video section so you can kind of see my level of skill. But don't judge to much about the guns we use we're just cowboy three gun but with four guns :))

Sterling wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:55 pm Do you have any advice on what to focus on I have been working on my grip my draw sight acquisition reloads etc are any other things I need to practice on. thank you

Practice the rules of the discipline you are shooting.

Here are the USPSA rules: https://uspsa.org/viewer/2021-USPSA-Com ... h-2021.pdf

Practicing the draw, sight acquisition, reloads, etc. are all great. But, if you DQ over a simple rule it wrecks your whole day.

What is a "safe table" and what are the penalties for not using it or, violating it's rules.
what is the difference in scoring when shooting major vs. minor?
What are the proper holster and mag pouch positions?
What are the penalties, if any, for shooting the white silhouette vs. hitting in the black on one with black edges?

Example: If you are not the current active shooter and you drop your firearm, what do you do? Are you disqualified for dropping it? It's a depends answer on what you do and if the firearm was loaded.

It took me a while to understand more of the rules and after awhile they make sense. Best of luck to you and answers to questions are free of charge.
If you decide to stay with a shotgun without a magazine you need to learn and practice how to Quad load. Reloading the shotgun is just kills your time. Look at some of the info on youtube and start to practice. Shotgun reloading and long range rifle are the 3 gun killers. Its a fun day at the range for sure. Have a good time.

Sterling wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:13 pm Thank you. I will read up on the rules luckily I shoot SASS and wild bunch and the safety rules are very similar. There is a 22 steel challenge that I will be going to so I will get some more experience with speed shooting thank you again

Steel Challenge is a GREAT place to start. No running or trying to overthink your was around a course of fire.

I started with Steel Challenge and two double-mag holders tie-wrapped together and a cheap-@$$ holster. Didn't know if i wanted to invest in gear or not. All's it took was one time and I was hooked. I'm shooting a minimum of 3 USPSA & Steel Challenge matches a month (when there are not any hurricanes screwing the schedule up).
I totally understand with the weather shooting in the wind and rain NOT FUN.

I had a sass shoot last year in Winter there was about an inch of snow an the ground a fifteen mph wind and the temperature was about 20 we had one stage you had to go up a set of wood stairs to the cab of the train during the course of fire somebody went to fast and hit some ice and fell with his rifle somehow he kept control If his gun so he didn't get a safety DQ he just got back up and kept on shooting.

And I think I will get so e good practice at the steel challenge

Sorry a little down the rabbit hole on that one get carried away sometimes.
Thank you again for all the help


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