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Msauter wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:33 am Mine had problems with stove pipes as well, had to go with the reduced power recoil spring set-up. Problem solved.

Did you get the reduced spring from Canik or buy on your own from another source?

I'm not making much progress with Canik customer service.

"Depending upon seasonality and the nature of your inquiry, we may need up to two business days to get back to you."

Perhaps my expectations are too high but 4 business days into this without a response is not impressive in a good way.

I've been keeping the slide locked open and plan on going back to the range.

I wouldn't mind breaking the gun in with 500 rounds of ammo as recommended in posts back in 2019 but it isn't news in 2020 & 2021 that 9mm ammo is as common as Bigfoot sightings...
Follow up from my Jan 28 post on this thread;

On my third shoot out the pistol functioned without a FTE failure. I'd guess I had @ 100-150 rounds through it (non NATO spec)

I also was keeping the slide locked open.

To give them their due, Canik/Century Arms finally came through and sent me a blue spring at n/c. It took between 1-2 months.

Haven't tried the blue spring yet.

The pistol is very accurate, the shooter not as much.

gunn wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:05 pm Welcome from the state of Jefferson. Now, the SFx was your first Canik, which model will be the second?

LOL, my first Canik was a TP9SFx, used for USPSA Carry Optics. My 2nd Canik was another TP9SFx, to be used as a back-up for #1! Got too good of a deal on it to let it go. Actually, it's backing up my optic sight, which I've had some issues with... so will be swapping out the sight that's on it for a SwampFox Justice, then they will have the same optics.

grmaximus wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:45 pm

powder burner wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:03 pm I believe the too-strong recoil spring problem was corrected at the factory some time ago. Mine needed NO break-in period. Just a wipe-down and a little lube. Has been perfect.

You're lucky.
The answer is no. I picked up a new SFX a week ago. Stove pipe city... glad to find your post and know that I'm not the Lone Ranger...
Brand spanking new SFx...

range day 1-
150rds of 124g NATO = 3 gun...acceptable...
-went home feeling like I had a decent defense weapon-
-mounted new Vortex Venom 6moa-
-installed Talon grips-
-ordered new TF base plates-

range day 2-
200rds of 124g Norma Range = 120+!?!?!!!
-went home and immediately cleaned gun-

range day 3-
40rds 124g Winchester Range and Target = 20+ stovepipes ...omg, this can't be!!!!
20rds of Hornady Defense = 9 stovepipes...f*** THIS PIECE OF SHIT!

Now, I guess I'm headed down the customer service rabbit hole...wish me luck... :-(
Wow, that is a crazy amount of failures, even for the SFX or other models with stiff RSAs. I wonder if adding the Venom added to the problem. Another common suggestion, because it's hard to know someone's experience level, is to make sure you have a proper, solid grip and you aren't "limp wristing".
Not knowing the individual's experience level, I also think there's the possibility of "limp wrist"; not providing sufficient resistance to the recoil for the action to function properly. If the frame is allowed to recoil along with the slide, stove pipes are sure to follow.

If the shooter is experienced, then the problem may well be a too stiff recoil spring, a bad magazine, bad extractor or other problem.

I have about 100 rounds through my new TP9SFx without a single issue. Empties are tossed about 6-8 feet. BUT, that's with my reloads of 115 grain Berry HBRN plated bullets over 5.6 grains of CFE Pistol powder and an AOL of 1.155". It's a good load but not as hot as NATO spec cartridges.
I would suggest that the Vortex is causing the issue. Most FTE issues can be solved pretty easily if there's no other underlying problem than too much recoil spring. I have replaced mine with this one: ... ro-g17.htm and flat-wire springs from here: ... s/8316.htm Makes it easy to change springs to adjust for proper ejection, and keeps it easy to disassemble/assemble the pistol. I have no interest, financial or otherwise with NDZ, I just use and like their products.

powder burner wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:03 pm I believe the too-strong recoil spring problem was corrected at the factory some time ago. Mine needed NO break-in period. Just a wipe-down and a little lube. Has been perfect.

Exactly. I didn't need any break in and have about 400 rounds, zero failures with both 115 amd 124 amo.

Welcome from Texas.
I gotta say...Century Arms support is friggin' fantastic!
I got a reply next day, and 2 days later I received a low-force recoil spring(blue). I replaced it last Friday and took the pistol to the range Sunday afternoon.
I'm happy to say that out of 3 boxes of Winchester 124gr NATO Target rounds, not a single stovepipe! And the tightest groups I've ever shot in my life!

I also shot some Norma 115gr Range ammo and it fed and ejected flawlessly.
That's what I was expecting from this baby! Wow, just wow!

No Doubs...for a skinny guy I've got great wrists..probably from years of heavy metal drumming....
And yes, to Colonel and Ben...I'm thinking that the weight of the optic, plus possible occasional thumb drag on the slide was to blame, but the new spring did the trick.
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